No. All campus ministry and all campus events are open to anyone who wants to grow spiritually and connect with other people and God in their lives.
The Interfaith Gathering Space was created on the first floor of Medaille Hall as a prayer and reflection space for all students, especially those who may feel uncomfortable meditating in the Doerr Chapel. Doerr Chapel is also always available for prayer and meditation and is located on the 2nd floor of Ryan Hall. There are also many different places to worship near Fontbonne’s campus no matter what faith tradition you follow. Check out our page of Off Campus Faith Communities for a listing with contact information.
The Interfaith Gathering Space is located on the first floor of Medaille Hall. It is open when the AMC is also open. The Interfaith Gathering Space is available to all members of our university community to use for a quiet reflection space. There are prayer and meditation materials available for personal use from many different faith backgrounds. If you find the Interfaith Gathering Space locked during the day, please come down to the Student Affairs office and someone there will be happy to assist you. Faculty, staff and students may reserve the Interfaith Gathering Space by contacting the Office of Campus Ministry.
They are not formal “bible studies,” rather they are designed as faith-sharing groups that will offer students an opportunity to get into scripture and share their views, insights and faith with each other. Christian Community and Interfaith Fellowships groups form at the beginning of each semester and are facilitated by trained student leaders. Please contact us at to find out when these groups meet and what topics will be discussed!
There are Masses at Fontbonne in Doerr Chapel every Sunday (7:00 p.m.) and every Wednesday (11:45 a.m.) and Fridays (12:00 p.m.) when classes are in session.
For information about other local Catholic parishes and Non-Catholic churches, check out our Off Campus Faith Communities page.
The community that gathers to pray together at Sunday Mass is relaxed and laid-back. The music is led by Director of Music Ministry, Jan Johnson, and a small group of students. We have some local priests who celebrate our Masses on a regular basis. Folks like to gather afterwards for conversation and snacks. Come check it out — every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. in the Ryan Hall Doerr chapel.
We also have a smaller daily Mass on Wednesday at 11:45 a.m. It is a great way to pray during your Wednesday lunch hour, and the Mass is prayerful, short and simple.
Are you looking for prayer resources to deepen and broaden your faith? Look no further, there are some wonderful links to help you grow in many aspects of your faith.